Introduction - Will Changing the Rotation Change It All?

By Jill Sackett Eberhart

Edited by Steve Simmons, Kristine Moncada, Craig Sheaffer, Gigi DiGiacomo and Nicole Tautges

winter wheat with Canada thistle

Chris Feely recently discovered that adding winter wheat into his organic grain rotation increased soil cover and reduced labor and tillage requirements. However, adding in winter wheat has displaced alfalfa and red clover in the rotation, a practice which he has noticed has resulted in increased Canada thistle pressure in the rotation.

Chris still wants to keep winter wheat in the rotation, but can his rotation survive the weed pressure while remaining organic?

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You may cite this publication as:

Eberhart, J.  2017. Will Changing the Rotation Change It All?  A Decision Case Study in Principles for Transitioning to Organic Farming: e-Learning Materials and Decision Case Studies for Educators.  S. Simmons, K. Moncada, C. Sheaffer, G. DiGiacomo, and N. Tautges (Eds).University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.