We designed e-learning modules to teach principles of organic farming to conventional farmers considering transitioning and also to undergraduate students in agriculture who may be considering organic farming as an occupation. The subject matter is primarily geared to row crop farming, but many of them present general concepts that apply to any cropping system. Our modules are comparable to lectures, but can be accessed whenever needed. The web-based modules have built-in narration just as a professor would lecture in class. They are ideal to use in an online course or for a flipped classroom where participants study the materials outside of the classroom in lieu of a lecture so class or workshop time can be reserved for interactive activities. Each module contains a comprehensive list of references and website links for supplemental reading.
Tips for watching modules
Modules automatically start playing when you click on the link. You can pause and resume playing the modules at any time using the play button on the toolbar at the bottom. Likewise, there are buttons on that toolbar that allow you to move forward or back a slide. Volume, located on the bottom toolbar, can be muted.
Adobe Presenter has different tabs on the sidebar with different functions when you are viewing a presentation. The Outline tab shows an overview of the slides by their titles. The Thumb tab shows an overview of the slides in thumbnail form. You can use the Outline and Thumb tabs to navigate to different slides when necessary by clicking the slide titles or thumbnails. The Notes tab shows the narration written out for each slide as well as the image credits for that slide. The Search tab allows you to enter and search for words that occur within the module slides.
List of modules
- History of Organic by Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson, Jim Riddle, Gigi DiGiacomo and Craig Sheaffer
- What is Organic? by Kristine Moncada, Harriet Behar, Constance Carlson, Gigi DiGiacomo, and Craig Sheaffer
- Resources for Transitioning by Kristine Moncada, Jill Sackett Eberhart, Harriet Behar, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Record Keeping by Kristine Moncada, Harriet Behar, Jim Riddle, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Organic Certification by Kristine Moncada, Harriet Behar, Jim Riddle, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Rotations for Organic Grain Cropping Systems by Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson, Gigi DiGiacomo and Craig Sheaffer
- Soils: Fertility in Organic Systems by Adria Fernandez, John Lamb, Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Soils: Sources of Organic Nutrients by Adria Fernandez, John Lamb, Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Introduction to Forages by Craig Sheaffer, Constance Carlson and Kristine Moncada
- Harvesting and Storing Forages by Craig Sheaffer, Constance Carlson and Kristine Moncada
- Small Grains for Organic Systems by Nicole Tautges, Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Alternative Crops for Organic Systems by Adria Fernandez, Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Cover Crops for Organic Systems by Adria Fernandez, Claire Flavin, Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Preventing GMO Contamination by Adria Fernandez, Jim Riddle, Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Weed Biology by Kristine Moncada, Jeff Gunsolus, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Cultural Weed Management by Kristine Moncada, Jeff Gunsolus, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Mechanical Weed Management by Kristine Moncada, Carmen Fernholz, Jeff Gunsolus, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Organic Marketing by Gigi DiGiacomo, Kristine Moncada, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer
- Growing and Marketing a New Crop by Gigi DiGiacomo, Kristine Moncada, Adria Fernandez, Constance Carlson and Craig Sheaffer