University of Minnesota
- Craig Sheaffer - Project Principal Investigator, module author, decision case editor
- Kristine Moncada - Project Team Lead, website developer, module author, decision case author and editor, workshop presenter
- Constance Carlson - decision case study author, module author, module narrator, workshop presenter
- Gigi DiGiacomo - decision case study author, module author, workshop presenter
- Jill Sackett Eberhart - decision case study author, workshop presenter
- Adria Fernandez - module author, workshop presenter
- Carmen Fernholz - module author, workshop presenter
- Steve Simmons - decision case study advisor and editor
- Nicole Tautges - decision case study editor
- Jim Riddle - module author, decision case study editor
- Claire Flavin - module author
- Jeff Gunsolus - module author
- John Lamb - module author
- Tom Michaels - project advisor
- Evelyn Reilly - website reviewer
Project partners
The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES)
- Jody Padgham - decision case study author
- Harriet Behar - decision case study author, module author
- Jennifer Nelson - decision case study author
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Michelle Miller - decision case study author, decision case study editor
- Alice Formiga - project advisor
- Alex Stone - project advisor
A special thanks to the farmers and organic agriculture professionals who attended our listening sessions and workshops, and provided valuable input on the development of our materials!