Introduction - Too Late to Transition?

By Constance Carlson

Edited by Kristine Moncada, Gigi DiGiacomo, Craig Sheaffer and Nicole Tautges

soybean field with farmstead in background

Eric and Angie were both nearing retirement age and were concerned about work load, land values and the future of their farm. As an experienced farming family, together they weigh the pros and cons of transitioning to certified organic production at this stage of their lives, given the extra labor and risk associated with organic.

Was it too late to make the change to organic?

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You may cite this publication as:

Carlson, C.  2017.  Too Late to Transition?  A Decision Case Study in Principles for Transitioning to Organic Farming: e-Learning Materials and Decision Case Studies for Educators.  K. Moncada, C. Sheaffer, G. DiGiacomo, and N. Tautges (Eds).  University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.